Matcha Sugar Cookie Trees!

It’s almost Christmas time and you don’t know what cookies to leave out for Santa! What about some matcha Christmas trees?! They’re festive AND Santa can get a little energy boost from the matcha ;)

There are a few tried and true recipes I’ve found over the years and this rolled sugar cookie recipe is one of them. For these matcha trees I made a few substitutes.

Here is the recipe, I made three simple changes.

1) I halved this recipe because it makes A LOT of cookies. Even halving the recipe still gave me about 2 dozen and even more if I made the trees thinner

2) I used brown sugar instead of white sugar

3) I added in matcha powder gradually until I liked the green color of the dough

An important note about this recipe, it is much easier to roll the dough if you refrigerate the dough for several hours or overnight. Then, a little flour on your work surface makes it so much easier!

And that’s it! Super simple!
