5 Reasons You Should Drink More Tea With Your Mom
My Mom.
Ain't she a beauty ??!
Back when I still lived at my parents' house I was able to sneakily take pictures of my mom and tea. I will sprinkle some throughout the post.
1) She Misses You: She may not always say it (or maybe she does) but she misses you. She loves you and wants to hang out! Whether you know it or not she is your best friend and confidant. I'm not sure there's a better way to surprise her or make her day than to schedule a tea date...or show up and make tea.
Here is a very old selfie that I convinced my mom to take with me :)
2) Tea Is Good For Her...And You: Tea has so many medicinal properties. I'm not sure why you aren't sharing the benefits with your mom right now!!
3) She Needs To Vent: When my mom and I have tea, we talk. We talk about happy things but we also talk about things that are bothering us or why our day was stressful. Sometimes your mom may not have another outlet that she feels comfortable venting to. Be her outlet! Even if you're just sitting there saying "uh huh," listen to her talk about all the things on her to do list and how there aren't enough hours in the day to do them all because she's your mom and she needs your support!
A stealthy picture I took of my mom one morning.
4) She Needs Some Unwinding Time: No matter if she's a stay at home mom or a working mom, she needs some HER time. Just like when you wanna have girls night, she wants to have daughter time. I recently moved out of my mom's house so hanging out with my older sister and I takes on a new meaning. When you have tea together you can take care of her, bring her some sweets and let her relax!
5) It's Your Job As Her Tea Butler: OK, so this is technically just a joke between my mom and I but I wanted to share. When I lived at home I would make my mom and I Tea every night and I joked about being her "kolfat" which means butler in Farsi. She then adopted this to "kolfateh Chayee" which is tea butler. This has been my nickname ever since. Perhaps this is a traditional viewpoint but as the child, you should learn to brew the perfect pot and make it for your mom! It's the least you can do after all she's done for you. So go out there and be the Kolfateh Chayee!
This photo is taken by my sister Sara and I believe this is actually coffee but I had to share because my mom is the prettiest :D
Call your mom up and make a tea date!