Support Your Local Tea Shop - Na Tra Tea's
I have lived in Takoma Park since I was 8 years old. It's a pretty small town so you get to know all the businesses. A month or two ago I was driving down a street I frequent and saw a a new tea shop, only a few minutes walk from my apartment. Na Tra Tea's. I visited one other time as the shop owner made her shop a UPS sure post pickup spot to get more traffic. I walked in to get a package and thought to myself...this is going to be my new spot.
How cute!
This was one of the best experiences I've ever had. Today I took a trip to Na Tra's. It was unusually winter like today so I bundled up tight and started my walk. The shop is only about a 5 minute walk from my house but it felt a little longer as the wind whipped my face. By the time I got there, I was ready for tea!
My best friend from college Ashley recently asked me if I've tried rooibos tea, I had not. Today when I walked into the shop and was overwhelmed! What to choose! I wanted to be adventurous and my eyes fell on "Red Hot Chai." A Rooibos blend of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, chai spices and a kiss of vanilla.
Aster Tefera is the owner and she is a delight! She was so welcoming and warm. Although I ordered the red hot chai she offered me a sample of the house tea which had a very "middle eastern" taste. Cardamom and cinnamon, I think I'll have that next time.
We chatted about Iran and Ethiopia (where she is from) while she prepared my tea, it was a wonderful, genuine conversation. Once my tea was ready I sat down and it was delicious! If you haven't had rooibos you need to try it! More importantly, this small tea shop needs your support. Head on down to Takoma Park and say hello to Aster! Their tea will cheer you up :)