2023 Holiday Countdown Boxes!

Happy October!

I know it may seem early to talk about holiday items now but it will take a long time to pack and ship holiday countdown boxes so I have to release them early! Additionally, mail is always a little slower during the holidays from the increase of packages going through the system! I also noticed that some brands much larger than me have already sold out of their calendars!

Anyway, I wanted to share about the boxes because I am doing TWO boxes this year. I am doing the 12 day Winter Countdown that you know and love but I am also adding a 24 day stationery countdown/calendar!

I decided to do a second box because I’ve always wanted to create a 24 day calendar but since I am purchasing tea from other companies instead of using my own teas, it is prohibitive. I brainstormed about how I could create 24 day calendar that wasn’t exorbitantly expensive to make. You all know my love of stationery and it all developed from there! I went back and forth on the types of items to create but eventually with a few nudges form friends (Taniya!) I started designing. I actually started the design process in the spring to not put too much pressure on me to get it all done at once.

2023 Holiday Boxes Release Day: Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 11 AM - Newsletter subscribers get early access

Countdown Pricing:
Winter Countdown/Advent Calendar: $55 + Shipping
Fall Countdown purchasers will get a discount

Stationery Calendar: $26 + Shipping
Sticker Club Members will get a discount

2023 Winter Countdown/Advent Calendar

This year’s countdown will be a little different because it wont include any design items! The countdown will be 12 days, 1 day will have a brewing vessel and 11 days will be tea! You may get some extra goodies as usual in the envelope :) Usually I include magnets + stickers of the design but this time since there is only tea there will be one other item!

Teas Included:
Oolong: 6
Black: 2
White: 3

As with other countdown boxes, there will be a QR code in the box that will take you to a landing page with information about each day as well as dates to countdown to the first day of winter or Christmas Eve. You can always open this box however you’d like but I like to include these two date ranges since they seem to be the most popular. Nothing in the box, including the designs is related to any one holiday, more of a general winter theme!

The box, wrapping paper and extra goodies will have the winter fox design shown below!

2023 Stationery Calendar

This calendar is different from my normal countdown boxes. So I wanted to share a few things, please review these before purchasing so you know what you’re getting!

-There is NO tea in this box
-There won’t be a QR guide to this box since there is no tea, just stationery!
-There will be 24 days instead of the usual 7 or 12 days
-You will get a note from me in your box!

For what is actually in the box, I wanted to share that the designs are not all winter based. I tried to do some general designs and one or two seasonal so that you can use the items in the calendar whenever. Most of the designs will be 100% new to you and there are a few that will be familiar but I’ve reworked them a little bit!

In the box:
12 Vinyl Stickers (Vary in size but generally around 2 - 3 inches)
-7 Sticker Sheets (4 in x 5 in)
-5 Washi Tapes (Same size as in my shop)

Here Is a preview of what the inside of this box will look like, the stickers will be in envelopes and the washi tapes will be in boxes!