Retailer Spotlight: Thésaurus Tea

As Tea Thoughts grows, so do the number of places where you can find my items! In the last year, I have expanded my retailers and wanted to share a little bit about them. Hopefully you will be introduced or re-introduced to a new tea shop.

I want to introduce you to Thésaurus Tea!

This is an online tea ship based in Canada! If you’re in Canada, they might be the best option to order a Tea Thoughts item to save on shipping! Additionally, Thésaurus Tea has a few items that I don’t have in stock anymore like the Camellia SInensis Necklace and Camellia Sinensis tea socks!

Learn a little more about Robyn, the owner of Thésaurus Tea below!

1) Can you give us a little introduction about you/Thésaurus Tea?

Thésaurus Tea is blended with dainty claws by a geeky dinosaur (that'd be me, Robyn), and then steeped in fandom! While I have all the usual classic blends (and more!) that one might expect of any tea shop, I also host an ever-growing list of original teas based on popular sci-fi shows, movies, books and videogames! On top of all this, I take special care with my impact on the environment: The majority of my teas come from fair-trade suppliers who also prioritize that their products are ethical, ecological, and economical.

2) When did you start drinking tea?

When I was a little girl, my father used to take me to a tea house (sadly long gone) called Franny's. Their specialty was cheesecake, but I loved it there for the tea. They had one that I THINK was called the Hobbit's blend, or at least it should have been. I always imagined that the softly floral tisane was surely what Bilbo or Frodo might have drank in the Shire, and was utterly hooked from then.

3) What inspired you to start Thesaurus Tea?

I had always thought I would want to open a tea shop after I retired, but when I was about to end my maternity leave, my husband asked me what I was waiting for. From there, everything came together very quickly. I suppose I had always had an image in my mind of what I wanted to do. I even had a dream about it, when I was trying to pick a name, and dreamed of a tea house run by dinosaurs...and thus Thésaurus. (Thé is tea in French, and as my fans know, I live for a good pun!).

4) What does your personal tea ritual look like?

When I take a moment to make tea for myself, I spend almost as much time trying to pick a tea cup as I do the tea itself. I have a huge collection of tea cups, stemming to back when my grandmother gave several to me. I've collected them ever since, and each one has a special meaning to me. That said, once I've chosen a cup, I will often match it to a tea, though sometimes I pick the tea, and THEN the tea cup to match. From there I suppose it is no different than anyone else, in terms of heating the water as needed, and steeping.

5) Do you have a current favorite tea?

You want me to pick between my babies?! I suppose I would have to say that the Silver Wolf and Leader of the Pack are my two favorites for the moment.

6) Where do you draw inspiration from for your blends?

Everywhere, but especially anything science fiction related. Most often, I will watch through a show, or a movie, or read a book, and ask myself what those characters or moments, or even songs, might taste like.

7) What do you envision down the road for Thesaurus Teas?

It has long been my plan to open a physical location for a real tea house, but the pandemic interrupted those plans. That said, once things are calmer, I still fully intend on moving forward, as I feel that having a place that I could host people for tea, as well as for the geeky community in general, would be a wonderful and fulfilling experience for me. I have so many ideas for events and I look forward to sharing them.