Client Spotlight: Yoga Tea Poetry

I’m changing up the normal spotlight with something new! I had the pleasure of completing a design project for my friend Taniya over at Yoga Tea Poetry! I am honored that she chose me to bring her idea to life through my design and I’m excited to share the result with you and more about Taniya!

This process was amazing, not just because I got to work with someone I already know well but because It was an incredible experience being able to create something that Taniya enjoyed and is now going to have available in her shop! Designing for someone else can be difficult because communicating a vision isn’t always simple. One of the best parts of this project is that when she communicated her ideas, something clicked for me instantly which isn’t always the case. I’m grateful to have been able to give my designing skills a test and provide a way for Taniya to share more of her beautiful words with the world!

Read more about the project below and please check out Taniya’s website!
Direct Link to the Pin
Direct Link to the Sticky Notes

I am hoping to create more designs for tea themed businesses, so if you’re interested please check out my page to learn more!

Can you please introduce yourself and YogaTeaPoetry?

Hi! I am Taniya, I live in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada. I was born and raised in India, and moved to Canada by myself when I was 17. I love travelling, and tea! I manage my anxiety and try to stay connected to my inner being by learning different yoga and mindfulness techniques. I started YogaTeaPoetry during the pandemic as a way to connect with others who love Yoga, Tea, and/ or poetry, and it has organically grown and connected me with so many lovely beings! I now use it as a way to share some of my work with others, and also offer a few products inspired by poetry.

What was your first experience with poetry and what inspired you to start writing your own?

My very first experience with poetry was definitely nursery rhymes, if those count, but I do remember writing stories and maybe even poems when I was 6-8 years old. I participated in a poetry writing competition at my school in grade 5, and won an award. I think that validation made me realize that the words spilling out of me maybe had some power that I was yet to realize. I haven't always had the privilege to be able to express myself openly growing up in a very patriarchal society, so poetry has become the way I express myself. I find it extremely healing to read and write poetry.

Where do you feel tea and poetry intersect in your life?

I feel that tea allows me to slow down in this rather busy world, which then helps me appreciate the little joys of life, and the beauty in everyday things. And that's where poetry comes from :)

Where do you find the most inspiration for your writing?

A lot of my writing is inspired by human interactions, things that are never said but felt, and also a lot from nature :)

Set the scene for us, how do you enjoy writing the most? Is there a specific place or environment that fosters your words best?

I love writing when the rest of the world around me is either sleeping or barely awake to start their day. Some of my favorite poems have been written at 3am in the morning when instead of sleeping, I scramble to find my phone and open the notes app to write the words down before they disappear. My dream writing spot would be a cabin somewhere on a mountain, with a candle or incense lit, light music playing, and some tea by my side :)

Why did you decide to bring these words to life through the unfurling leaf design?

I am so glad you asked! I have been thinking a lot about how a lot of us spend so much of our lives not fully realizing who we truly are. Once we find our voice and our people, there is no stopping us! The words in this design came from a poem I wrote called "Sorry, Not Sorry" and it summarizes a lot of the things I have apologized for over the years when I didn't really have to, when I wasn't really sorry. I tend to drink a lot more Oolong tea than anything else, so while watching the leaves unfurl, and take up the space they rightfully deserve, the inspiration for this idea was born. Now, I cannot draw, but I am grateful to know another tea-lover who did such a FANTASTIC job in taking my very minimal description, and brought the idea to life!

Is there anything you want to share about this poem that the excerpt of words on the design is from?

It is a very personal piece, and I do want to publish it some day. I will share a short excerpt which I hope will resonate with many others too!

"... to tell you the truth
I am not sorry
for the         space             I take
for standing up for myself
for not wanting to follow traditions blindly

I am not sorry 
that I exist"

What are your hopes for your writing?

My hope is to continue writing and connecting with others who might be going through similar experiences in life, so we all feel a little less lonely, and a lot more connected :)