Puer Pusheen Pancake

I'm not very good at hiding my pusheen obsession! I love this cute little cat so you're probably not surprised that I'm subscribed to the pusheen box :D The fall box had this cute little pan in it so I decided to create a pancake recipe!


I got some "grandpa's puer" from White2tea in my sipsby box this month. I've recently gotten really into puer and most of them have a really rich flavor which is great for recipes! This tea is named after "grandpa style" which apparently means not really paying much mind to brewing times. A more relaxed way of drinking tea. I can totally relate to grandpa style especially because when it comes to certain teas I like to judge them by color or aroma. 


This is a great recipe for a small batch of pancakes. The pusheen pan is pretty small so It made many pancakes but if you use a regular pan, the batter would probably make 1-3 pancakes!


You could optionally swap out the milk and use 3/4 cup of tea in the recipe but I think that without any milk the pancakes wont be as fluffy! 


It was actually difficult to get a perfect mold of the pusheen pan but I did my best! I found it helpful to wipe out the pan after each pancake! 


Look how cute this pancake is! 


Topped with maple syrup, these tea infused pancakes are delicious! 


These turned out nice and fluffy too! I also added in some cinnamon into the batter to give them an incredible aroma! 

Copy of Yaupon caramel (1).jpg

German Apple Pancake

My older sister found a video of a "German Apple pancake" a while back and decided she wanted that to be her sweet. In case you're lost I've mentioned in past posts that for Iranian New Year (Norouz) I gave everyone in my family a ticket for a sweet of their choice, some are still cashing in :) 

The recipe is from the site Tip Hero and is accompanied by a really simple and helpful recipe! 

Check out the recipe here.

Tips: This recipe was fairly simple but I would suggest cutting your slices a bit thinner, the outcome will be less chunky. 

Have you tried any good recipes recently ? Share you favorites with me!